Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kaalgat Emperor - The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes - The Kaalgat Emperor

"The Emperor's New Clothes" or "The Kaalgat Emperor" - written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1837 for South Africa in 2011

It's about this vain Emperor who cares for nothing, but his appearance. And two tailors who are really swindlers (advisor/consultant) - The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid", but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor then marches in procession before his subjects, who play along with the pretense. Suddenly, a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing - Is it not time we blurt out that the emperor is in the nude (knows nothing and is being bull shitted by advisors, consultants, ministers and subjects (blind followers)? WAKE - UP South Africa - Become fearless and honest like the child...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keywords - Hennie Botes, kaalgat Emperor, The Emperors New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen, a short tale, corruption, ministers, advisors, president, cheet, selfish, consultants

This is the work of Hennie Botes - not to be used without permission - Copy Right 2011

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